Wow, what a crazy couple of days it has been! Tuesday night I had plans with a few friends to go to the Ice Bar, and one girl ended up bringing a bunch of people. It was really fun to meet so many new people and do something special like that! We had a lot of trouble finding the Ice Bar, but once we got there it was totally worth the $30 entrance fee, 30 minute walk, and possible frost bite in my toes. All of the walls, chairs, cups, booths, bar, and seats are made only of ice! We got a free drink and it was delicious. After leaving because we were too cold, we found a really fun night club that was raging for a Tuesday night. Overall, this was one of the most exciting and unique nights so far.
Ice Cups - "SKOL"
Since I don't have class on Wednesday, I had plans with two boys, Wes and Mark, to go to Christiania. Christiania is considered the "Hippie Town" of Copenhagen. We rode our bikes all the way there and it was about a 25 minute bike ride. It was so nice and so it was a really good ride! The citizens of Christiania consider themselves a different country from Denmark, and when you enter Christiania, it is legal to buy, sell and smoke weed anywhere. They also have really cool jewelry and clothing made by the people who live there. You aren't allowed to take pictures in Christiania!! I ate the best meal of my life there, an incredible chicken shawarma, and we sat by the river for a few hours. We then spontaneously climbed up a church tower that has hundreds of steps and looks like the highest point in Copenhagen (not sure though!). It was one of those things that tourists should do so I am glad we actually did it on a whim! Copenhagen is so beautiful. We could see Sweden from the top (which was slightly terrifying because the steps were smaller than my feet).
Really cool art outside Christiania
"You are now entering the EU" at the exit
Me, Wes and Mark at the top of the Church
Beautiful Copenhagen!
We hung out a little more in Christiania and then went to a Canal tour with a bunch of other people on our program. It was really beautiful and cool to see the Canal, but we couldn't really hear the guide so I am not totally sure what I saw... haha! oops.
We hung out a little more in Christiania and then went to a Canal tour with a bunch of other people on our program. It was really beautiful and cool to see the Canal, but we couldn't really hear the guide so I am not totally sure what I saw... haha! oops.
On the Canal Tour (Me, Wes and Jenny)
The famous Copenhagen Opera House
Back in Christiania (James, Wes, Jenny)
When I came back, I had a text from Anna saying to come to her room now because we are going out. I figured, why not... so I got dressed really quick and we went to a bar called "LA Bar." Guess what? There were a million Americans, and a lot of them from California. We did meet a bunch of foreigners too, though, and we had a really good time. I love going out every night, it's so much fun.
A fun night out :) (Anna +I )
That's all for now, tonight should prove to be a really good night as well. Oslo tomorrow!!